L’année manque d’équilibre puisqu’il n’y a ni métal, ni feu (sauf deux feux cachés). Année difficile, faite de conflits et de trahisons, de risques de perte, de forte agressivité et surtout de manque d’intelligence.

Le feu va stimuler la prospérité, portez du rouge, faites l’acquisition d’un porte-monnaie rouge.

Le métal va stimuler l’intelligence, portez des bijoux en métaux précieux, du blanc et du gris.

Porter des amulettes et notamment le charme des 5 éléments, l’amulette de protection contre la trahison est de bon augure.

Inviter chez soi le tigre mais de préférence bouche fermée et soumis par une déité est également un élément de protection.

Cette année, la fortune symbolisée par l’eau soutiendra votre prospérité (porter du bleu et du noir).

L’étoile 5 de la malchance est au centre de la maison mais également au centre de chaque pièce. Pour la soumettre, la pagode des 5 éléments, les 6 gardiens célestes et la cure de sel. Elle est soumise par le métal donc une cure de sel dans un contenant métallique est d’une grande efficacité (à renouveler si nécessaire).

Le Nord accueille l’étoile de la victoire (1). Ce secteur bénéficiera de toute énergie de feu (bcp de lumière et de rouge), c’est un secteur qui bénéficiera de la présence des drapeaux de la victoire. En revanche, faisant face aux 3 massacres il faudrait y installer une plaque de protection. Il faut éviter en tout état de cause de s’asseoir face au sud.

Le Sud héberge l’étoile 9 de la prospérité future (9). Elle aime le feu et il faudra allumer grand les lumières dans ce secteur. Toute énergie yang y est bienvenue ainsi que le chiffre 9 sous toute ses formes, et principalement les 9 phoenix.

A l’Ouest l’étoile 7 de la trahison. Une image de Kwan Kung sur un cheval cabré vous protègera comme les symboles de l’eau et le couple protecteur rhinocéros et éléphant.

A l’Est l’étoile 3 de la querelle qu’on soumettra par le feu mais également par la présence de pommes, de tapis rouge. En revanche ce secteur devra rester calme, ne pas y jouer de la musique ni y recevoir ses amis.

Sud-Ouest. L’étoile 2 de la maladie y est installée, elle est soumise par le métal qu’il faudra accumuler en ce lieu.

Le Nord-Est héberge le grand duc, il faut éviter d’y faire face et il est de bon augure d’y installer le Pi Yao. L’étoile de la prospérité s’y trouve en revanche et il faut donc y installer les symboles de la prospérité mais pas sous forme de métal, plutôt les symboles de la terre comme l’arbre de la prospérité. Le tigre appréciera également d’y être invité mais pas seul ni bouche ouverte, préférer donc le tigre chevauché par les déités de la prospérité.

Sud-Est. Ici, l’étoile 4 de la romance et des études. Elle aime l’eau.

Le Nord-Ouest reçoit cette année l’étoile des grands augures 6. Toute énergie yang de métal et d’eau boostera votre chance. Notamment les carillons de métal.

Numérologie tantrique Avril 2022 – Nettoie ton coeur!

The month of April is one of the most pivotal months of 2022, as it is a rare season of time which grants us the opportunity to release generational karmic blocks and patterns that may have previously seemed immoveable. This window of opportunity comes through the appearance of double 4’s, that being the month of 4 and Gift number of 4 (Gift is the last two digits of the year, 22 = 4).

Number 4 in the positive polarity is process, structure, order, and the faculty of the Neutral Mind. However, when it goes negative it is judgmental, rigid, and cut off from a sense of compassion for one’s self, as well as others.

There will be a great revealing experienced by humanity in connection to our Heart center, and this will affect how we choose to navigate our lives. The previous themes of self-sacrifice and generational duty will now feel like an overwhelming burden that can no longer be tolerated or carried out.

When expressed in the negative polarity the number 4 has an affection for the word “should.” As in, “You should do this, or behave this way; everyone else in this family has suffered through this, so you follow the script too!” The “echo resonance” of family patterns will be roaring at a critical volume, whether it be, “get the education we tell you to,” or, “stay in a bad marriage–don’t rock the boat” or “don’t speak up against the lie we’ve all been living.” All of these scripts and more will be headed for the glorious bonfire of self-liberation that is scheduled for April.

Would you like to know the exact ignition point of this sacred bonfire? Of course you do! There is a powerful healing vortex of energy that will be sustained on the planet starting April 8th through the 22nd. This two-week period is a time when things will intensify, and emotional scars will rise to the surface to be cleansed away. You’re going to need help with all of this, and we’ll get to the help and healing part in a just a bit.

The primary thing to be aware of throughout April is that people will not always be behaving as they usually do, and that you need to give others a lot of personal space. Otherwise, you may get hit with their “emotional upchuck,” and that’s not a pretty picture.

April will be a highly reactionary time, and we will be seeing this play out on a global level. Pray for the calming of the drums of war, and level-headed leadership as we move forward. We can’t always fix everything from a distance, but we can project a frequency of grace and ease to help others find their way.

Now, on to the personal healing and transformation section of the forecast. I would like to quote the Bible here and say, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is really powerful stuff, and we need that kind of power right now.

Why is that, might you ask? Because the Heart number for April is an 8 (Heart is month of 4 + Gift number of 4 = 8), and 8 is all about power, energy, and healing. We need to get back and reclaim the personal power that has been held hostage by these negative family imprints. Just because there has been a history of alcoholism, abuse, poor self-esteem, or whatever the haunting ghost may be, You don’t have to live out any remnant of it anymore.

So, what makes karmic cleansing easier? The right cleaning solution, of course! Going back to our Power of the Word theme, we are fortunate to have a mantra within the scope of the yogic teachings that is the “leave no negative karma standing” answer to this month’s spin cycle.

It is an Ashtang mantra (Ashtang means 8), and in this video meditation, you will find a lovely way to practice and experience the sound current of Infinity. It is called “Celestial Communication with the Guru Gaitri Mantra.” This is a moving mudra meditation that will clear the Heart center of the pain and trauma of the past. When we become the living vibration of the Infinite, and allow the Word to flow through us, all new and good things are possible. Take 11 minutes a day and give yourself a chance for a better life than you might have imagined. You are so worth it.

Number 8 embodies the Air Element, and the Air Element is connected to communication. Because of a unique configuration in the Heart calculation this month, we have what is called a “Zeroing-out effect.” This is illustrated by what is called a Transformer number, where instead of adding the 4 + 4 of the Heart numbers, we subtract 4 – 4, leaving a Zero. Zero is a very powerful number in the science of Numerology, and this will create the effect of people finding it difficult to find the right words to say.

Throughout April it is important not to approach anyone with an impulsive burst of “Hey, talk to me right now, can’t you see how upset I am?” Everyone is going to need time and space to process and regroup as they go through their own healing.

A better opening dialogue would be, “Hi there (soft smile). I know we’re all dealing with a lot right now, but when you have a minute there’s something I need to go over with you. Would you get back to me when it’s a convenient time to chat for a bit?” This will earn you gold stars in someone else’s universe, and allow for a more productive outcome.

The number 4 of April beckons us to invoke the power of our Neutral Mind, as this gives us the greatest leverage for conscious change and growth. One of my favorite quotes of the Aquarian Age is, “Either you ride the wave, or the wave rides you.” I cannot think of anything more succinct and perfect than this.

Looking to the world of film, if you would like to see an example of the Neutral Mind at its best, watch the 1994 movie, “The River Wild” starring Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon. After falling into circumstances beyond normal reckoning, Meryl’s character must keep it together, steady–meditative–calculating, till the exact right moment presents itself to act. It is this ability to have ownership over one’s domain that is the cutting edge of difference in these times.

Number 4 is “Cup of Prayer,” and our heart’s ability to love ourselves. Seeing the cup as full sets a frequency which invokes support from the Heavenly realms. You are not alone, and help is there for you as you use your Power of the Word to create the highest Blessing. You’ve got this, and I’m right there with you.

Numérologie tantrique mars 2021 – Bouge tes énergies

The month of March brings a swift jet stream of change and opportunity to our lives, and we can best leverage the energies of Spring by keeping in mind a few strategic tips and pointers.

The number 3 of March represents the themes of the Positive Mind, creativity, food, social outreach, humor, and knowing when to stop and rest. The pendulum can swing wide this month, as number 3 in the negative polarity is anger, worry, and a tendency to self-destruct under pressure. Let’s look at a few solutions to help stay on the sunny side of the street.

Food is a really big issue at this time, as number 3 represents food and how we choose to nurture ourselves. There may be moments where you feel suddenly driven to eat large amounts of food, as a buffer to the intensity of the emotional waves rolling through the auric field of the planet.

Number 3 represents the liver and sugar metabolism, so when wily 3 goes negative it wants to re-route your morning walk so it can pass by every bake shop on the block. You may feel the alluring aroma of cinnamon buns calling you, as they seemingly find their way into every vulnerable crevice of your best intentions, and you steadily quicken your pace while gripping the remains of a keto-protein bar crumbling in your hands.

The moral of the story is, chart your course wisely throughout the month as there will be times where you could try and justify an emotional freak-out. For example, “My boyfriend/girlfriend just dumped me, so eating a dozen doughnuts is a perfectly logical response.”

Well…maybe not. Let’s look at a few other options before nose-diving into glucose oblivion.

Get your iPod or whatever musical device you have, grab those sneakers, and hit the floor running to the great outdoors. Crank up the volume and start singing along with your favorite heartache lament, at the top of your lungs. Who cares if people think you’re crazy, you’re saving your liver.

The point is, you’ve got to try and swiftly respond and move the energy so it doesn’t stagnate. Once it gains emotional gravity you could be feeling stuck for a while. Sometimes drinking a beverage that is sugary and carbonated can satisfy the need for sweets, and help to get the Water Element balanced in your body.

You can go to the local convenience store or brew up your own medicine at home. A really good treat that is easy to make is a Chocolate Egg Cream. You get a tall glass, add about a half cup of milk, add 3 or 4 heaping tablespoons of chocolate syrup, and then slowly add seltzer water. Bubbly, creamy, delicious refreshment at a fraction of the metabolic death spiral you were originally headed towards.

Number 3 is the Fire Element, and we have double 3’s in the mix for both the month and Gift number (Gift is last two digits of the year, 2+1=3). When you add the month and Gift number together you get a brand new calculation—the Heart number. The Heart number for March is a 6, and number 6 is also the Fire Element. So, we’ve got a lot of heat brewing this month, and as the saying goes, “Don’t play with fire!”

The Fire Element is important; without it you couldn’t digest your food or stay warm in the winter. We can be fired-up about something in a good way, and accomplish a task in lightning speed. When the Fire Element is out of balance harsh words are spoken, almost like an emotional solar flare, leaving the other person feeling fried.

A good solution to balancing the Fire Element this month is Sitali PranayamSimple, easy, and highly effective. Just 3 to 5 minutes a day can save the day for you or another, as it effectively reduces anger and frustration.

On another note, let’s take a look at outer space. The Perseverance Rover that landed on Mars in February cost the United States 2.4 billion dollars (a lot of money) to create and send to another planet. Some of its primary functions are to check the weather on Mars and take soil samples.

Now, I am all for space exploration, so I am not directly criticizing Nasa. Go scientists!

What I am questioning is the timing of all this. In recent years, with all the turmoil of legions of disadvantaged people in need, could this money have been better spent? How happy would all the people in Texas be to know that their heating bills would be paid, and broken pipes fixed after the Arctic freeze disaster?

Furthermore, why not put all those great Nasa minds to work on problems people are facing on planet Earth, instead of the weather report on Mars? Because nobody’s going to Mars anytime soon. It’s not rocket science…or is it?

The number 3 of March challenges and inspires us to be creative and think outside the box. A Positive Mind and applied creativity can solve any problem. Let’s look at another example. There is a restaurant in Staten Island, New York called Enoteca Maria. The charm of this establishment is that it is run by a core group of 10 Italian grandmothers who have a rotating shift in the restaurant. Each grandma, or “Nonna” as they are called, will make a regional specialty dish on their designated cooking day. This way everyone stays fresh and on point!

When the pandemic hit and shut down all the restaurants, the Nonnas tied up their apron strings and got to work. They developed an online line of homemade Italian sauces that are now flying off the shelves to delivery trucks around the world. They are in business and thriving, and happy customers abound.

What I am suggesting is, “Get your Nonna on—do something creative.” The Heart number of March is a 6, and number 6 is the power of prayer and projective psyche. Number 6 is also love, family, and community, so you can ask yourself, “What do I love, and what will bring joy to others?”

We have a couple more months till the restrictions begin to lift to a more tolerable degree, so let’s not burn ourselves up in anger and frustration. When you need to vent—vent, let it out. This can be really good therapy too. Then regroup your energy and create a focal point of effective action and transformation. It can start with something as simple as saying, “I am an effective, creative, and compassionate being of light, and I am divinely guided and supported by the Universal Intelligence.”

May the good graces of the higher benevolent forces guide and sustain you in your every creative endeavor, and may you find the coziness of your own heart’s peace and joy.


On fait les récoltes de nos efforts.

Le travail acharné des années précédentes va rapporter.

Point important : la terre (élément naturel du buffle) est épuisée par le métal.

Il est important cette année d’être stable, dédié et discipliné.

Les relations amicales importent et seront quelque peu mises à mal.

C’est l’année où les leaders règnent en maîtres.

Le métal représente l’autorité et les ressources : inviter Kuang Kung le roi à visage rouge dans votre maison

L’eau représente la compétition, ne portez pas trop de bleu ni de noir et ajoutez-y des couleurs si vous voulez neutraliser leur effet. Inviter le dragon d’eau céleste dans votre maison

Le feu apporte la fortune : portez du rouge, laissez les lumières allumées, invitez chez vous le Dieu de la fortune assis sur un tigre et le Taureau de Wall Street

Le Bois apporte le développement garnissez votre maison de plante, installez un jardin intérieur ou un jardin de balcon, portez du vert, décorez en vert

La terre apporte l’influence et le pouvoir. Il est bénéfique de porter les couleurs de la terre si vous souhaitez être remarqué.

Grands et petits augures

Pour les signes du cheval, du serpent, de la chèvre, du rat, du cochon, du chien, du Buffle et du tigre

Le cheval en bénéficie plus que tous les autres.

Les signes du serpent, de la chèvre, du rat, du cochon bénéficient également de grands augures, pourront rêver et réaliser en grand, succès, opportunité à condition de faire preuve de persistance car rien ne sera facile cette année. Les endurants récoltent les fruits de leurs efforts. Faites confiance à vos passions et instincts et ne laissez rien ni personne perturber votre esprit.

Les petits augures bénéficient au buffle, au tigre, au chien et au cochon. Ils ont moins de chance de rencontrer de grands succès mais ils construiront de bonnes fondations stables et paverons leur chemin vers de grand triomphes futurs. Célébrez vos petits succès et restez clairs sur vos buts à long terme.

Chance des cieux : Pour tout le monde, le nombre 6 est porte bonheur. L’image de 6 oiseaux au centre de votre maison sera du meilleur augure.

Etoiles volantes

L’étoile 6 des bénédictions du ciel (ou étoile céleste) est au centre de la maison. Tenez le centre de la maison animé et bien énergisé. N’hésitez pas à y installer le lieu de vie de la famille (et de réception des amis….) invitez le dragon céleste d’eau. Je vous rappelle qu’elle se nourrit de métal et de terre. Un carillon de métal pourra être placé ici.

L’étoile 9 de la prospérité future (étoile multiplicatrice) est au N/E cette année, elle va rendre ses fruits jusqu’en 2024. C’est ici que vous installez vos symboles de fortune, 9 pièces de monnaie par exemple. Un élément bois peut activer cette étoile mais le Grand Duc est situé dans le secteur N/E 1 (premier tiers du secteur N/E immédiatement après le Nord) qu’il ne faut réveiller sous aucun prétexte.

L’étoile 4 de l’amour et des études se situe à l’Est, elle est nourrie par l’eau. Pour les étudiants, une représentation de la carpe et du dragon posée sur le bureau garantit la réussite. A l’Est vous avez également les 3 massacres qui se soumettent aux trois gardiens célestes à installer dans ce secteur et qu’il ne faut pas activer. Laisser le secteur neutre cette année est préférable.

L’Etoile de la Victoire est au Sud. Le cheval garantit son activation. Ce secteur pourra être particulièrement activé avec de la musique et de la vie pour le bénéfice de tous. Le bureau peut être placé dans la zone Sud de la pièce en tournant le dos au sud, placez un miroir face à vous si vous tournez le dos à la porte. Placer ici un objet en bois neutralise le conflit eau-feu de l’année.

Au S/W l’étoile 3, dite l’étoile querelleuse. La soumettre par le feu, beaucoup de lumière, du rouge. Une représentation du Phoenix sera à sa place dans ce secteur.

L’Etoile de la prospérité actuelle, 8, est installée dans le secteur W. Elle doit être très fortement activée. N’installez ici aucun objet en métal, mais plutôt des cristaux ou tout objet de terre, le jaune et l’ocre soutiennent son action. Décorez votre fenêtre à l’Ouest de boules de cristal à facettes pour mettre toutes les chances de votre côté.

Au N/W l’étoile 7 de la trahison et du vol. Ne pas activer ce secteur et éviter de s’y trouver. Si vous devez rester dans ce secteur, asseyez vous en regardant le Sud. Elle est soumise par l’eau : Utiliser ici une eau Yin que vous renouvelez chaque mois.

L’étoile de la maladie 2 est au Nord, elle est soumise par le métal et les couleurs blanche et argent. C’est ici que vous placerez le Bouddha de la médecine. Evitez ici la rénovation, limiter l’activation. Pas de feu dans ce secteur mais une cure de métal.

La 5 jaune, étoile de la malchance est au S/E. Le métal, le blanc, l’argent la tiennent à distance, ainsi que les Pagode de 5 éléments. Encore un secteur à éviter….

Le Tai Sui ou Grand Duc est au N/E. Il faut éviter de lui faire face.

Numérologie Tantrique Février 2021 – Equilibre. Exercice. Repos

Here we are, already into the second month of 2021, and who could have imagined the acceleration of conflict and duality on the planet? The number 2 of February highlights the themes of relationships, polarity, and a reactive sensitivity to feeling misunderstood. There are no easy answers to any of this, and at the same time there is a way to create a path for yourself that has an easier flow to breathe and move through.

The motto of the month could be, “Don’t react—reflect and redirect.” Many people will be coming from an emotional place of childhood wounding, and if you let yourself get entangled within their fishnet of unresolved trauma, it will be draining and unproductive.

So what to do? Just abandon anyone having a hard time? No, certainly not, and here is where you can now become a teacher in the Aquarian Age transition.

We’re skipping right ahead to the good stuff here, which is the “Meditation to Release Childhood Trauma.” This meditation is not only for adults; it is very specifically for children at this time. We have no idea what the long-term effects will be on the psyche of humanity in regards to the pandemic, and the children on planet Earth need to have tools to navigate this extraordinary time. This meditation is exceptionally well explained by the teacher in the video, and you can sit with your child for at least 3 minutes a day to practice.

The number 2 of February has a lot to do with balance, as in balancing ourselves first before expecting someone else to listen and take in what we have to say. This is oh-so-important as the Heart number for February is a 5 (Heart is month of 2 + Gift of 3 = 5), and when feeling worked-up, number 5 can pack a punch! Heart of 5 being coupled with number 5 as the overall number for 2021 will create moments of “energy surges” that will set some people off. The dates of the 5th, 14th, and 23rd have an extra volatility to them, so save the big conference call for another time.

Exercise is a big part of the solution to maintaining yourself now, as number 5 is the physical body and our ability to release frustration through breath and movement. Youtube, my personal best friend, is chock full of many creative exercise systems. Whether you choose the 5 Tibetan RitesExercise for Beginners, or Rock’in Rumba Workout!, pick something to spice up your day a bit.

Number 5 additionally represents the themes of flexibility, tolerance, and endurance. Everyone’s endurance is being tested, and no one is enjoying whatever level of restriction is in place in your area. The pent-up anger created by the loss of freedom affects the heart, so here is a very simple exercise you can practice to help release the frustration.

Get a couple of big pillows or sofa cushions, and sitting on the floor, stack them in front of you. Then make your hands into fists and begin pounding down hard on the cushions saying/screaming, “It’s not fair, I’m just so angry, it’s not fair!” This is a really good therapy release, as it allows the Heart meridian and lungs to expel tension. Your neighbors may hear you, and you can share the technique with them, making for a happier neighborhood.

Speaking of neighbors, there is a wonderful expression, “Make bridges, not fences.” In our modern times we don’t always know our neighbors, and this is an unfortunate outcome of the loss of village life as we once knew it. Sometimes it’s worth the risk of being the brave one, so here’s an idea. Take a moment to sit down and write a simple note to a neighbor saying, “Hi, I’m June, your neighbor in the green house next door. I hope you’re doing well, and if you’d ever like to chat for a minute by our fence line I’ll bring the chocolate chip cookies! We’re all in this together, and just wanted you to know that somebody close by cares.”

Can you even image how blown away you would be if you got this kind of communication from someone near you?

The number 2 represents the “Longing to Belong,” and that sense of longing for community and connectivity is at an all-time high. The internet can only provide so much, but two people sitting on a picnic blanket 6 feet apart allows for a more human exchange.

Now for the final part of our numerology trifecta, the number 7 in the Base calculation (Base is month of 2 + year of 5 =7). The Base is exactly what it sounds like, a base of support for our projective psyche. The number 7 embodies the themes of personal space, rest, music, meditation, and the Water Element. There will be moments that your Soul will be telling you, “Stop, take a break, it can wait till tomorrow.” Listen to this, as timing is everything throughout February. Give yourself, as well as other people, the time and space to make decisions.

This is important, as more information will be coming to light after the 22nd, so don’t set things in stone that might need to be resurfaced later. Remember, discretion is the better part of valor.

We are in an accelerated stream of human evolution, and wanting to figure it all out can feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube as it bounces down a spiral staircase. You’ll exhaust yourself before you get very far. One of my favorite quotes is, “When you have done your best, await the result in peace.” A quality of the number 7 is the ability to allow the insight to come to you, and this ability is enhanced by a meditative mind.

So, in recap, the February game plan is: 2 = “I keep my balance,” 5 = “I exercise out my anger,” and 7 = “I create a soft place to rest and regroup.”

I am going to close on an interesting note with a story from the Bible. The Apostle Paul was being transported by ship across the Adriatic Sea, heading towards Rome. The ship came into a storm so fierce that the vessel could not be controlled, and it struck a sandbar shattering it into many pieces. Paul directed the 276 passengers to grab hold of the pieces of the broken ship and swim to shore, which was the island of Malta. Grabbing planks and boards, everyone found something to hold onto in the storm. Swimming to the island of Malta, all 276 members of the boat survived. Once ashore the native islanders welcomed the survivors and built a fire to keep them warm throughout the rain and cold.

Sometimes it all doesn’t play out the way you think it will; however, there is still a way. You will always be guided and given a way to stay afloat and sustain yourself, and swim to the safety of a new shore line.

May your personal Angel send you gentle whisperings of guidance, allowing for a saving grace that brings a restoration of spirit and grants a greater possibility of life. Sat Nam.

Numérologie tantrique Octobre 2020 – Moment charnière

By Nam Hari Kaur

In life there are moments when you just have to tell it like it is, so, that is exactly what I am going to do. The month of October 2020 has transits of “hell and high water,” and I am going to tell you exactly how to navigate these moments.

First of all, the go-to mantra of the month is, “Stay in your lane.” Do not over-extend yourself on any level, for any reason. Offer help, advice, and assistance as it is reasonably within your resources to afford giving. You are not being a “good person” by creating a handicap or deficit for yourself that may be difficult to recoup.

The second mantra of merit for the month is, “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” This is worth writing on a Post-it note and placing on the bottom of the bathroom mirror, just so you don’t forget! There will be the mental tendency to want to accelerate yourself just to keep up with the overload of information and misinformation, so don’t go that route.

Keep your rhythm, know when to engage and when to disengage. Preserving your energy is of paramount importance now, as you don’t want to stress-out your immune system. A weekly detox bath of 4 pounds epsom salts and 6 drops of either Eucalyptus oil or Tea Tree oil in the bath water can do wonders for your lymphatic system.

We need to have our go-to support system lined-up, so stock up on your vitamins, bath salts, and chocolate chip cookies now!

There will be incredible energy surges hitting the planet, and if you’ve got your spiritual game-on, you can use this energy to your advantage. If not, it’s just the luck of the draw as to how you’ll manage. Being the stellar intelligent people we are, let’s practice something to specifically bring the frequency of luck and fortune into our lives.

The Antar Naad meditation takes only 11 minutes of your day, and will repay you mega-fold for your effort. You can practice it with the video, creating the experience of having a “meditation buddy” throughout the month. Good company!

We have a few especially powerful ‘surf’s-up’ days, and they are the 4th, 10th, 13th, 19th, 22nd, 28th and 30th. Don’t push anything on these days, and give things time and space to decompress. In the New York Times bestselling book, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,” author John Gray says, “Men go to their caves…Women talk.” He further goes on to explain that when the bear goes into the cave, don’t stick your hand in there!

Now that we’ve basically covered the potentially messy stuff, let’s take a look at the bright side.

The Heart number for October is a 12, which reduces down to a 3. (Heart is month of 10 + Gift of 2 = 12). Number 3 represents the themes of creativity, the Positive Mind, food, social connectivity and nurturing energy. However, it is by way of 12, which is the archetype of the Good Shepherd.

In response to all unfolding global events there will be a tremendously positive upsurgence of people coordinating their efforts and resources to answer the call. And answer the call we must, as there is no time left to waver in insecurity.

You may be thinking at this point, “Well, first you said not to overextend myself, and now you’re saying I need to answer the call; what’s up with that?” Fortunately, I always have an answer, and that answer is to stay within the flow of your own psyche.

You instinctively know when you are getting yourself off-balance, and when you are within your own energy reserves. Honor yourself and your needs, and know that whatever else remains to be done has someone else’s name on it. Good deal all around.

In order to better understand the value and higher intention of 2020, we need to pause for a moment and consider where we are at this stage of the journey. In the positive polarity, the number 2 represents alignment, harmony, and balance. In the negative polarity, it is conflict, duality, polarization. We certainly have all these themes circulating at this time in our global culture, and the next three months are pivotal in the evolution of humanity.

The life force of the 5 Elements will be very strong in the last three months of the year. The Elements are Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and Ether. The sheer force of the Water Element can bring a tidal surge that flushes out objects that were hidden beneath the surface of the sand. The Air Element can bring a strong wind that knocks a tree down and exposes the root system.

Similar to the Earth, we as humans will be experiencing moments of a swift revelatory energy sweeping through our consciousness—a sudden awakening as to why you have been burdened with a behavior or addiction all your life, along with the ability to change the pattern if you choose to.

This is fantastic news for any of you who have had one of those, “I’m so sick of this sh*t, something’s got to change!” moments. Yes, it can change, and the power of the Elements are there to help you. This month’s suggested meditation works with the Ether Element, which is the domain of Grace and blessings. Grace is something that you may not have technically earned through good deeds, but is granted anyway by divine benevolence.

We all need that Grace right now, that “little help” energy of someone throwing the ball over the fence so we can get back in the game again. And it’s our game, our flow of life and creativity that is longing to unfold. The Elements are working with us to reveal what we never knew we really had going for us—that genius talent waiting and wanting to emerge.

Here is 2020 my friends, a bit messy at times I know, yet a greater revelatory energy at play which will change the trajectory of humanity.

One step at a time, me and you, and the Saints and Angels too. You never go empty handed from the door of humility and your heart-felt prayer. Keep smiling, keep shining, and know that the Heavens have got your back every step of the way. Sat Nam.

Numérologie tantrique Septembre 2020 – Clarifier et faire place nette

The month of September 2020 is a time to clarify and clear all aspects of our lives where we feel overwhelmed by the burdens or demands of others. The stress level on the planet has increased as a result of the “extended stay” of the pandemic, and many people are having a difficult time transitioning into a “quarantine reality show” that is likely to roll into next year. Yikes!

In the negative polarity (we’ll get to the positive later) the number 9 embodies the themes of rage, destruction, and revenge. One of the areas where we will see this intensify is in the political arena. If you think you’ve seen ugly before, get ready, because it is about to get absolutely ruthless in some people’s communication. In your own world don’t let yourself get blind-sided by aggressive behavior, as many will be experiencing anger surges that will be difficult to control. It is all a part of the “release effect” of September, and what has been emotionally bottled up for months or even years will be coming out now.

The number 9 is the Fire Element, with a “crossover effect” to the Ether Element, as it is the Subtle Body. This will affect the weather patterns and there will be an increase of heat on the planet that will contribute to fires, hurricanes, and a potential volcanic eruption in September or October. Remember, you heard it here first.

I know this can all sound a bit doom-and-gloomish, however, I did promise a positive side.

The number 9 in the positive polarity is universal love, psychic ability, karmic cleansing, and spiritual healing. We actually have a lot of good energies to work with this month, and I’m going to tell you how to harness them.

Many of us have been cooped-up at home, and have felt an emotional stagnation creep into the aura of our living space. These negative emotions can actually acquire a “nest” in your home, depending on where you tend to burrow into sadness, anxiety, grief, etc.

Fortunately, I have the latest edition of the Shaman’s Handbook, so let’s get that Fire Element working for you right away! Your magic ingredients include Epsom salts, 91% rubbing alcohol, and ideally a small metal bowl. Take a handful of the Epsom salts and place it in the bowl. Then add about a tablespoon or two of the 91% rubbing alcohol.

While standing back at arm’s length, strike a match and light the alcohol soaked Epsom salts. It can flare up, so be careful! Then, place the bowl on a book or square piece of wood and hold it as you begin to walk along the lines of your living room. You can be playing or chanting a mantra as you carry the bowl with the flaming Epsom salts, and you want to walk along the walls as well as holding it over the sofa and chairs. As you get the hang of it you will notice when you need to replenish the alcohol to keep it burning,

Fire is very purifying, nothing can withstand it. This ritual will help to cleanse your home space, room by room. Now, as a footnote to this, please, please, please put the bowl in the kitchen sink when you’re done! The flame can still be alive for a while even if it looks like it’s gone out. Remember, I told you.

Additionally, in the positive polarity the number 9 of September represents the themes of completion, self-mastery, intuition, refinement, and a spiritual integrity that attracts new opportunities. We are looking at our relationships at this time and deciding what can stay, and what needs to go. The good news is there’s an influx of cosmic energy coming on the 17th of the month that will help to boost you forward. I would call it a “clarifying awakening” that has the power to shine a light on where you have been self-sabotaging, and allow you to break free. This is really good news.

If you want to super-charge your personal breakthrough, here’s one of the best mantras for the job. The Adi Shakti mantra has the power to invoke the creativity of the Universe, andsynchronize the flow of your psyche to new opportunities. This is the way out of that stuck-in-a-rut feeling. Here is a link to an especially lovely version of the mantra that is in a “call and answer” style. Pick one side of the coin (call or answer) and chant along for 11 minutes. If you do this 31 minutes every day, then no negative energies can build up in your living space.

We need to develop our internal guidance system to stay on course amidst the chaos. What no longer works for humanity is disintegrating, and this creates anxiety for many people. Let’s look to the Animal Kingdom for a few insights.

Owls have incredible night vision, as well as the flexibility to turn their heads in a 270 degree turning radius. Additionally, they have a secret advantage that most people don’t know about. Their ears are asymmetrically placed on the sides of their head, one ear being placed much higher than the other. This uneven placement allows the owl to detect the time gap between hearing a sound in one ear and hearing the sound in the other ear. The amount of time between the sound registering in the two ears is in milliseconds. Gazing at the landscape, the owl turns it head, bit by bit, till the sound comes to a balance point between the two ears. Now the owl knows exactly where friend or foe is, and how to move forward.

We need to develop within ourselves this level of sensory awareness to successfully navigate these times. The ability to read the frequency of sound and thought in another human being is part of your protective psyche.Then you know to what degree to engage with someone, or, not at all. This will save you time, energy and tears.

The next 3 months on planet Earth are extraordinary, and that does not need to be in a scary way. Your awareness, fueled and nurtured by your spiritual practice, guarantees your safe passage through this unique time and space.

Numérologie tantrique Août 2020 – Luttes de pouvoir, prana et prospérité

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The month of August is a time to re-energize ourselves for the days ahead. Since the beginning of 2020 we have all been through so much, as the world is changing beneath our feet. Now, as we move forward we are fine-tuning our awareness of what works and what doesn’t work. Many people’s go-to’s for structure, consistency, and emotional support have been stripped away. This in turn, creates the need for new ways to build ourselves and feel supported.

Breathe for Prana

The number 8 of August represents the themes of power, healing, money, vitality, and a mental equilibrium that allows us to be fearless in the face of life’s challenges. I think it fair to say that we would all like to have more of these things, and there is a way to achieve this in August.

It can be very difficult to overcome fear if you do not have enough energy. Number 8 is the Pranic Body, the storehouse of our vitality. Our energy largely comes from the breath and our ability to breathe deeply. A shallow breath leads to low energy and anxiety.

This is the month to “shake it off!” Get yourself outside, ideally in nature if possible, and walk, run, or hike in the fresh air. If you are “city-bound” look into getting a Rebounder trampoline. It is an individual sized trampoline that will allow you to exercise indoors or in a small backyard. This exercise will help to keep your muscles toned and lymphatic system in good shape.

Prosperity Meditation: Sobagh Kriya

Many people have been experiencing financial challenges, and fortunately in the yogic sciences we have an answer for that. The meditation Sobagh Kriya clears misfortune and is a way to create wealth in your life. Wealth is more than money, so whatever it is you need to empower your next step of expansion will be delivered through this meditation.

The meditation has 5 parts to it, so I’ve included this video that will help you in this practice. The teacher, a very bright young man, will lead you through each section of the meditation along with the supportive mantra music. This makes it way easy to practice, as you do not need to keep track of the time changes for each section.

You need a new kind of stamina, an energy upgrade. Give yourself a chance, This meditation can work a miracle for you if practice 15 minutes a day for 40 days. You need the high octane fuel right now, and my friends, this is it.


Number 8 is the Air Element, and our ability to oxygenate the blood through exercise and a healthy diet. Green leafy vegetables help increase oxygen levels in the blood, as well as broccoli and celery. Also, chlorophyll tablets create more oxygen in the blood and are an easy add-in to your diet.

What we need for ourselves at this time is a “Prana-Power-Pac!” We need more than one way to create or blend energy into our lives. Whenever I travel I check my essentials list, and at the top of the list are rechargers. I need a recharger for my computer, phone, iPad, and iPod. They are all different, as they translate a unique frequency of energy for their purpose.

Recharge with Good News

We need to recharge ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually and socially, focusing more of our mental energy on the positive, and less on the negative. Too much network news can destroy your day, so let’s look at another option. There is a website called GoodNewsNetwork.org. It is filled with beautiful and inspiring articles and videos of people helping each other and creating positive change in the world. This is now part of my go-to support system.

One of my favorite stories is how the zoo-keepers in Cornwall, England, noticed that the penguins seemed depressed because there were no visitors allowed in the zoo. Then, somebody started thinking outside the box, and after placing a bubble machine in their dwelling space, Presto!—happy penguins!

Trust in the Universe

Trust is an issue we are dealing with on a global level, and it’s certainly not easy to have a sense of trust when so much seems up in the air. Part of one’s ability to develop trust is in knowing that the Universe ultimately has your back. You have been through challenges before, and you can move through them now. The unknown can seem scary at times, yet there is always a supportive grace through faith.

As a child you likely went to the playground with a parent and learned to climb on the jungle gym, your little hands on the bars, slowly climbing higher, not quite sure of the next step. Just as you’re reaching higher your foot slips, and a voice comes from behind saying, “I’ve got you!” Your parent is right there to catch you in the nick of time.

There is a Universal kindness and benevolence that is here to support you if you choose to relate to it. Through positive imagery, whether it be Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Adi Shakti, or Mother Mary, develop a relationship with an ethereal being that you feel connected to in your heart. Create an altar with pictures, crystals, flowers, mala beads, books, or whatever supports you in holding this connection. Spend time each day nurturing your connection to this divine power.

You can’t make it on your own, nobody can. That is one of the great lessons of this time and space. Reach out to others as is appropriate, while at the same time knowing there is a certain part of the emotional equation that can only be covered by your relationship with a far greater power. And that power is the God within and around you.

How can you most easily connect to this power? Your spiritual practice. I see this as no longer an option, but a necessity for traversing the changing times.

The Power Struggle Escape Hatch

Power struggles abound in August, yet you do not need to be lured into anything where you would lose energy. Your intuition has the ability to let you know where there might be a hidden agenda, and to re-direct you to avoid the conflict. If you feel cornered or confronted by someone, create an escape-hatch by saying, ”Yes, what you’re talking about seems really important, let me get back to you later as I’m late for an appointment.”  And you have an appointment with your self-respect, safety, and dignity, so it’s not even lying.

We are on an extraordinary journey both collectively and as individuals on planet Earth.

There are times when the trail gets steep or rocky as you are striving to reach the higher ground. In a weary moment you lean forward to gain your balance, and suddenly your foot slips from beneath you. Then, a gentleness fills the air as the tip of an Angel wing touches your shoulder, your breath relaxes, and the voice of a lofty presence speaks to your heart and says, “I’ve got you.”

Numérologie Tantrique Juin 2020 : Crise de claustrophobie


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The month of June brings a renewed spark of boldness to our spirit, as we strive to navigate a world that is shifting with every step we take. The number 6 of June represents the themes of love, family, protection, prayer, community, and the immune system. We are longing for a greater connection with others, while keeping in mind ways to stay safe and protected in the process.

Easing back into a sense of normalcy is important now, as so many people are experiencing what is known as “cabin fever.” There is a safe way to do this, and depending on which state or part of the world you live in, this trend is already in motion. Reintegrating back into society creates “herd immunity,” which is part of what allows humanity to shake off illness. This is what I have learned through my personal research.

We’re going to jump right to the technical part here, as I am recommending the “Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity.” This practice is said to “eliminate the feeling of loneliness and separation from your Soul.” It is also an easy one to teach to children—and remember, you are now teaching your  child how to deal with extraordinary and unusual events. You are growing a spirit that can handle change and the heavy winds of time and space. Good job.

The number 6 represents the Arc Line, a protective bandwidth of light that crosses over the forehead. A strong Arc Line gives a radiance and confidence to your presence. It also allows you to “know the field,” and have a natural sense of where to be and where not to be. We’ve all had the experience of hearing the phone ring and immediately thinking, “I don’t know who it is, but I know I don’t want to pick it up!” That’s your Arc Line talking to you.

The world has become an increasingly complicated place, and in my opinion nearly impossible to navigate without some form of meditation. You can see meditation as a sort of “spiritual vitamin.” You take your vitamin C and Zinc every day for health and wellness, so be sure to invest at least 11 minutes a day in a meditation practice.

We have all had to learn new ways of doing things over the past two months, and one of my biggest lessons has been in the area of cooking. My philosophy had always been, “I solve other people’s problems all day; somebody else can cook.” Well, since there has been no in-restaurant dining, my usual way of living has been drastically altered.

Now I have become very good at reading directions on the food packages so I can prepare them properly. After a recent grocery delivery I realized that the rice package I had ordered was actually pre-cooked organic rice. This was such a happy moment for me, nearly dancing on stardust, as now I only had to add the rice to a half cup of simmering water and Voila! Dinner is almost ready!

Entertainment is important, and my latest find is the Bravo TV reality series “Below Deck.” Picture the Greek islands on a luxury sailing yacht with 12 young crew members who have just met each other. It’s a fast and furious pace to get the ship ready for the guests, and everyone is trying to keep it together as the crew drama unfolds onboard. This kind of show is typically known as a “guilty pleasure” (I don’t feel guilty), yet I can’t recommend it enough as a way to relieve yourself from feeling claustrophobic. Hoist your virtual sails to the Greek islands and enjoy!

Adaptation is the name of the game, and it is an ever-changing and sometimes uncertain landscape we are moving through. The lack of control we are feeling can be frustrating to the point of being infuriating. The Heart number for June is 8, and number 8 is bold, energetic, and wants to connect and communicate with others. As things are steadily opening up across our nation, the Heart of 8 has a “Go for it!” spirit and attitude. Many new businesses will develop from this, and they will be more resilient to change and fluctuations within the environment.

Touching back on the the number 6, it is good to be aware that 6 is the Fire Element. We have a few emotionally charged days this month, and they are the 3rd, 6th, 12th, 15th, 21st, 24th, and 30th. Choose the lines of least resistance on these days, as there will be a tendency for people to over-react when pressured. Number 6 likes things to be fair and balanced, so part of your “decompression dialogue” could be, “You seem a bit upset, let’s go over this again, I’d like things to be fair for you too.” If that doesn’t work then just bail-out of the conversation, as some people may be having an inconsolable moment and you don’t need to be fuel for their fire.

It is a delicate dance at times, knowing when to engage and when to distance yourself. All the more reason to strengthen your Arc Line, because then you will instinctively know the truth without belaboring in thought.

We are good, and we are going to move through this time and space with our best foot forward and a bright eye to the future. “This too shall pass,” and it always does, as the creative forces of the Universe are still at play and available to you.

Your power of prayer is magnificent at this time, and the simplest of steady intention can carve a way towards health, healing, and prosperity.

May the light of the Heavens guide and bless you, and may your Guardian Angel swoop down to touch your forehead with the vision of your safe and secure path. Sat Nam.

Petit guide du confinement – RITUALISER


Je vais vous épargner ma tendance naturelle au jeu de mots et aux recherches ethymologiques, la présence du préfixe “con” a déjà généré beaucoup de bons (ou moins bons) mots.

Une version que j’aime assez est “Du latin confinis, qui a la même limite, de cum (ensemble), et finis, fin, frontière”. Aujourd’hui, nous avons tous les mêmes limites (ou presque)….c’est peut être une bonne chose, ce peut être intéressant, en tous les cas.

Quoiqu’il en soit, voilà ce que je propose aujourd’hui, le soleil du printemps qui commence illuminant quelque peu mon esprit.

Lorsque nos quotidiens sont “réduits” ou que nous sommes “réduits” à notre quotidien, nous pouvons nous sentir moins enthousiastes, avoir une baisse dans le niveau d’énergie par l’effet de la répétition de gestes que nous considérons comme inintéressants. Il me semble que ce qui guette les confinés est le sentiment non pas d’ennui joyeux et créatif, mais le sentiment de lassitude dû aux routines, au fait de tourner en rond dans un espace déterminé par l’autorité, au fait que nous ne pouvons varier les objets de notre attention et de nos sens.

Tous les jours, nous répétons des gestes basiques, gestes de survie, d’hygiène, activités systématiques. Nous nous lavons les dents, nous nous douchons, nous cuisinons, nous allumons la lumière et ouvrons la porte.

En sacralisant les gestes du quotidien, en ritualisant nos habitudes, nous créons de la magie, nous créons de la conscience, nous créons du beau, du bon, de l’énergie, de l’intérêt et du bonheur. Nous investissons les petits gestes anodins d’une immense valeur, nous leur donnons la place qu’ils méritent.

Aujourd’hui nous est offerte l’occasion de regarder ce qui nous semblait secondaire comme essentiel. Car face à la maladie grave et à la mort, nous avons le choix de nous extasier de se réveiller sans fièvre, ni toux. Nous pouvons nous réjouir d’être logés à l’abri et dans un certain confort. Nous pouvons mettre des fleurs dans nos yeux et apprécier que nos poumons fonctionnent parfaitement, faisant de chaque respiration un moment exceptionnel et fort.

La seule démarche de ne pas considérer les petites choses comme acquises est déjà un saut dans quelque chose de nouveau, qui casse nos habitudes, nous ancre dans le moment et nous détache du ronron du mental.

A un moment de l’histoire de l’humanité où le mental ne demande qu’à se perdre dans les peurs collectives, dans les complots, les doutes, dans les questionnements sans fin, aborder ce qui est à notre portée avec un oeil neuf et avec l’esprit de l’enfant ne peut que nous faire du bien et renverser la logique de la cogitation.

Où se trouve votre esprit lorsque vous vous lavez les mains ou les dents? Il court il vole, il s’échappe dans l’hier ou le demain, l’occasion est trop belle pour lui.

Ritualiser ces petits gestes, ces petits moments, c’est un peu comme laver ses lunettes et se rendre compte qu’il n’y avait pas de brouillard!

Chacun ayant son propre univers, sa propre créativité, il est toujours délicat d’imposer un rituel qui pourrait freiner votre imagination et précisément vous retenir de le créer.

Je vous proposerai tout de même quelques pistes dans d’autres posts par thème.

Retenez simplement que le rituel c’est voir ou créer la magie et interagir avec les choses et les éléments,  c’est sacraliser un espace, une gestuelle, s’investir de pouvoirs extraordinaires et en investir son environnement. C’est dégager le beau et l’énergie de la vie de la matière et respirer autrement, ramener sa conscience ici et maintenant, entrer dans la gratitude.

Nous sommes tous à même de nous souvenir de notre regard d’enfant la première fois que nous avons vu une fourmi, notre sensation la première fois que nous avons goûté une pomme, notre étonnement la première fois que nous avons toucher un tissu doux ou senti la bonne odeur du pain chaud. Cherchez, vous retrouverez aisément cet espace, et c’est une jolie occupation que cette recherche.